Đặt câu với từ "warned against|warn against"

1. But health officials warn against prematurely Curtailing …

2. Republicans warned against returning to isolationism.

3. She warned me against being overconfident.

4. I must warn you against raising your hopes.

5. How did James warn against reliance on self?

6. 16 He warned against making hasty decisions.

7. 7 I must warn you against raising your hopes.

8. I had been warned against you months ago.

9. The US warned Beijing against taking retaliatory action.

10. We were specifically warned against buying the house.

11. How does the Bible warn against a competitive spirit?

12. Prophets warn against sin and teach salvation through Jesus Christ.

13. Nephi warned against hypocrisy in 2 Nephi 31:13.

14. He warned against being overly anxious about material concerns.

15. The priest warned his flock against breaking God's law.

16. He feared backlash, and warned against it in letters.

17. The school is warned to take precautions against fire.

18. Doctors have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases.

19. 24 Notably, we are warned against spiritistic practices, especially astrology.

20. 3 Doctors have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases.

21. Jesus warned against allowing improper desires to enter one’s heart.

22. Her financial adviser warned her against such a risky investment.

23. Against what two snares had Jesus earlier warned his disciples?

24. We warn against possible provocations with the goal of disrupting the delivery.

25. So , Cicero first warned us against the danger of being lackadaisical.

26. * Jacob warned the people of Nephi against fornication, Jacob 3:12.

27. 16 A good conscience does much more than warn us against wrongdoing.

28. To warn the mythical Guardians about the Pure Ones plan against them.

29. The apostle John warned against sharing in the sins of others

30. * The Prophet warned against “feeding on the faults of others” (page 454).

31. I warned him against indiscretion in his conversation [ in choosing his friends ].

32. At the same time, these words warn us against things that displease him.

33. Certainly later writers warn against mistaking unusual sense phenomena for genuine spiritual enlightenment.

34. He warned against a fake detente that would sap resistance to expansionism.

35. Fred Upton Frederick (Fred) Stephen Upton Moderate Democrats warn leaders against meddling in Iowa race House Republicans who Backed Trump impeachment warn

36. The suretyship against which we are warned ( 1- is of the inconsiderate kind.

37. Paul warned against “thinking that godly devotion is a means of [material] gain.”

38. 9 It was fitting also to warn against turning back to “beggarly elementary things.”

39. For instance, the Mosaic Law specifically warned God’s chosen people against false prophets.

40. Jesus Christ warned against the folly of putting our trust in material riches.

41. However, I warn people against lumping together pindown and what has been happening in Leicestershire.

42. He warned that if the government moved against him the people would rise up.

43. How does Jesus warn against even the beginning of conduct that could lead to actual murder?

44. His books and articles warn against expense and risk to health for recipients of alternative therapies.

45. 20. (a) In what ways does the Bible warn us against a materialistic way of life?

46. The government declared protests to be illegal and it had previously warned against this action.

47. Residents have been warned to take precautions against dangerous winds, storm surges and heavy rainfall.

48. 16 The apostle Paul warned his fellow Christians against becoming people “not appreciating sacred things.”

49. But we warn against yielding to the temptation to create new mechanisms unless they are absolutely necessary.

50. The apostles warned against “false brothers” who infiltrated the congregations. —2Co 11:26; Ga 2:4.

51. * Every man who has been warned should warn his neighbor, D&C 88:81.

52. The Social-Democrats will always warn against Adventurism and ruthlessly expose illusions which inevitably end in complete disappointment

53. For example, Proverbs 6:27 and Matthew 5:28 warn against feeding one’s mind on sexually provocative material.

54. Jesus warned that a person who harbors smoldering wrath against his brother is committing a serious sin.

55. However, the Church has not endorsed any such enterprise, and members are warned against believing such claims.

56. Major was spot on, just as he was dead right to go on to warn Hague against his loony right.

57. "Patients who use alcohol or other drugs should be warned against engaging in potentially dangerous activities while intoxicated.

58. He especially warned them against “oppressive wolves” who would appear from among them and would mislead the disciples.

59. (Colossians 2:20-22) Paul warned against philosophy that was part of “the elementary things of the world.”

60. Thus, he warned against such things as immoral desires, a materialistic way of life, and grasping for prominence.

61. It also warned against thieves at stations and advised that possessions should not be left near carriage windows.

62. Even as he puffed on a cigarette, he earnestly warned his sons against smoking, saying how stupid it was.

63. (James 1:27; 4:4) Through Malachi, Jehovah had warned: “I will become a speedy witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against those swearing falsely, and against those acting fraudulently with the wages of a wage worker, with the widow and with the fatherless boy.”

64. The representative of BASF warned the other participants in the meeting against quoting the same price to all customers.

65. 12 Although Jesus warned against abusing the grand privilege of prayer, he did teach his disciples how to pray.

66. 17 In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned his disciples against harboring wrath and contempt for a brother.

67. Jesus warned against such lukewarmness when he cautioned first-century Christians living in Laodicea: “You are neither cold nor hot.

68. I warn those who are now serving in the military, or who may do so, against the pitfalls of these disruptions.

69. It matches order against chaos, candor against Crypticism, and temperance against lunacy

70. The apostle Paul warned against mixing the true and the false, saying that even “a little leaven ferments the whole lump.”

71. We are against exploitation, against the sale of babies, and against forced relinquishment.

72. We are warned against ‘exalting our horn on high’ in that we should not take on a proud or arrogant attitude.

73. The disciple James warned against being overconfident about the future because “you do not know what your life will be tomorrow. . . .

74. In addition, he warned his men with seemingly aggressive language against French agents, who wanted to recruit them for the Foreign Legion.

75. Despite leading the way in the group, Evra has warned his French team - mates against complacency going into their qualifying double-header .

76. Rosamond, however, was on her side much occupied with Conjectures, though her quick imitative perception warned her against betraying them too crudely.

77. As we have seen, this is precisely what the apostle John had warned against. —1 John 4:2, 3; 2 John 7.

78. Despite leading the way in the group, Evra has warned his French team-mates against complacency going into their qualifying double-header. "l".

79. And around the fortress is this vast field of taboo against premarital sex, against condoms, against abortion, against homosexuality, you name it.

80. They work against the clock and against the thermometer.